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Showing posts with the label german airship

Gunpowder & Glory: The Explosive Life of Frank Brock OBE

Working with Harry Smee on his fascinating and historical history of his family, we have been digitising to high-quality TIFF archive files, the complete archive of Frank Brock OBE over the past several years. Digitisation covered many aspects including oversized journals in varying degrees of decay, due to age related issues. Book and paper document scanning and large transparencies.   The output images were post produced before preparing to various sized formats ready for publication in  Gunpowder & Glory: The Explosive Life of Frank Brock OBE. If we can support you with your family archives, corporate or heritage archives, please do contact or call 01865 457000. Publication LINK Kind regards Cheryl OVERVIEW - • Frank Brock was the epitome of Boy's Own heroism, a daring intelligence agent and a skilled inventor • The first German airship shot down was destroyed by the 'Brock Bullet' • Brock's artificial fog was a crucial aspect t...