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Showing posts with the label oxford city council

Oxford Living Employer Certificate and Company Collateral

W e are delighted to be an Oxford Living Wage (OLW) Employer.   To encourage employers to pay the Oxford Living Wage –  the Rate of which is £10.50 per hour for 2022-2023 –  Oxford City Council runs an employer recognition scheme. As part of this Scheme, we have been awarded again, as an Oxford Living Wage Employer, the following OLW Company Collateral: You will see on our website our OLW Logo, displayed proudly on our Website, Social Media and Business Premises. Our Business Name will be published on Oxford City Council’s Website: We encourage you to support your Peers, to become an Oxford Living Wage Employer, and so, welcome you, ‘spreading the word’; if you know of other Businesses who may be interested, they can contact us/Economic Development at:   We look forward to working with you – as a current Oxford Living Employer – in contin...