Comparision between 10-bit Uncompressed and FFV1 Video Archive Preservation at Oxford Duplication Centre
DISCUSSING FFV1 The most common challenge in digitising moving image is the file sizes that result from the actual digitisation. The file sizes can be huge and with that comes the increased cost of storage and maintenance for long term preservation. Common consensus consider 10-bit uncompressed to be the preservation standard for moving image because it uses no file compression. It is considered the most reliable safest format for moving image preservation at the current time. 10-bit uncompressed deliver high image resolution, colour quality and sharpness whilst avoiding motion compensation and compression artefacts. THE DOWNSIDE TO 10-BIT UNCOMPRESSED 1 hour of 10-bit uncompressed video can produce a 100gb file. To put it into perspective it would take 21 DVDs to store a video of this size. As you can see, its a lot of data! WHAT IS FFV1? FFV1 (Full name: FFmpeg Video Codec 1 ) Contained by : AVI , MKV , MOV Latest r...